The data in undeniable. But a social explanation (missing time they should be out playing or doing other age appropriate activities) is only half the story. There has also been a slower increase in mental illness among most people living in modern industrial societies for the past several decades, even back as far as WWII. The larger trend here is due to living in a technological society.

Our brains have a very powerful area called the prefrontal cortex that allows us to create and use technology among many other things. But this area is meant only for relaxed contemplation in attention, problem solving, and seeing things in our mind's eye. It is not meant for use during stress or for long periods (let along all day). Yet that is exactly what we now do.

When used this way the PFC begins to fail (we cannot concentrate, think of words or, find things) and importantly, we lose emotional control and become irritable. In the long term any vulnerability to mental illness we have then can become released. This sequence I describe here is all now accepted scientific knowledge.

The increased use of smart phones by adolescents poured gas on this fire. It took a group with under-developed PFCs and immersed them into a virtual world that their brains must create for them. The conclusion is amply described by Professor Twenge.

In my book, "Frontal Fatigue. The Impact of Modern Life and Technology on Mental Illness", I describe this process in detail. It essentially puts a mechanism underneath the observations noted in this substack.

But my book is only half the story. Now immersed in their phones instead of the world around them young people are deprived of the connections we all need--and they need more--of other people and the world of physical reality.

We need a two pronged approach to this issue. First to ease the pressure on the PFC (smart phones first, but there are other ways tech life infiltrates what we do) and second, to reconnect with others and the world around us. No one has all the details of such a plan but we all know wherer to begin. From there we learn from each other how to proceed.

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Thank you for this excellent comment. I look forward to reading your book Frontal Fatigue...

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Wonderful to discover that you have launched your own substack! I greatly appreciate your work as it helps to shine light onto the dire situation youth is facing. I have found your research helpful in providing additional motivation for parents to move toward digital minimalism. I have recently organized a community digital detox for my readers (https://schooloftheunconformed.substack.com/p/from-feeding-moloch-to-digital-minimalism); many parents joined as they recongized the need to lead by example, if they are to help guide their children toward a healthier relationship with technology.

Thanks again for your excellent work!

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Digital detox is a great term, and I believe there are real withdrawal symptoms too.

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Welcome to substack! Thank you for all your dedication and hard work on this issue over the years, I've been giving out iGen for years to my patients, thank you!!

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I’d say it’s pretty horrible for all ages.

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Science Denial Kills. Big Oil. Big Drug Pharma. Quack Shrinks. Big Tobacco. Big Auto (had to be sued by Nader's Raiders to provide seatbelts) etc.

"... one of the most common causes of suicide--the therapist..."


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Biden&Obama's "Top Doc:"


on your radar?(we start drinking at 12...1/4 of us binged last month)

"Well-supported scientific evidence shows that behavioral therapies can be effective...but most evidence-based behavioral therapies are often implemented with limited fidelity[with 89% refusing metrics, systemic lethal quackery results]"


Congressman Kennedy:

https://www.patrickjkennedy.net/agenda#Quality and Outcomes

"...only about 18 percent of psychiatrists and 11 percent of psychologists in the U.S. routinely administer symptom rating scales..."


top CBT scientist:


"...Therapists’ misperceptions are not limited to the quality of the therapeutic relationship; they make equally severe errors in their assessments of how depressed, suicidal, anxious, or angry the patient is as well...If a patient is feeling suicidal, but the therapist is not aware of those feelings, it could lead to the loss of life. Sadly, this outcome is not uncommon."

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Such outstanding work you're doing, Jean. I hope the Washington Post catches up soon, and everyone else.

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More like “Fesses Up”… it truly is the case that whatever the NYT and WaPo says, do the opposite…and that goes double for The Atlantic, what a pile of dung that rag has become.

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Excellent critique, Jean. Our citizenry really needs to be exposed to careful debunking of false conclusions on vital topics. WaPo clearly feeds a chosen agenda and needs to be challenged and rebuked. These issues matter: lives are at stake. They think that poverty and racism explain everything. They do not and never have.

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A little late, but, great article! My husband and I deleted all our social media a few years ago and it’s been glorious! I’ve always felt in my bones that it isn’t good. I’m also the ONLY parent I know whose kid doesn’t have a phone or social media of any kind. It’s lonely and it sucks that he doesn’t get to do things like go fishing in another neighborhood with his buddies because all the plans are formed on social media. But, what else to do?

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well done, Laura 🙏🏼

i'd like to put my recent post (re: digital heroin) on your radar. https://opentochange.substack.com/p/growing-up-before-digital-heroin

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023

Awesome article Jean! As someone who is facilitating discussions in a middle school about how our systems can support healthy dispositions around tech use, this is yet another crucial piece of the puzzle that we can use to support our thinking. Thank you for your continued work in this area.

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023

I only had a passing awareness of QAnon in its heyday, but I believe one of the tenets was that the world was being run by an elite group of pedos. Now in our post-Epstein era there seems to be more than a grain of truth in that claim.

So about social media… on SubStack exists PITT in which parents share first person narratives of “losing their child to a cult” invariably discovered & reinforced online. There is a particularly horrific mom’s account of a 13 yo girl lured by “her crush” [a groomer/predator] into the dark web.

At the end of the day, outlets like WaPo, are basically collaborating in the destruction of our children by forces so dark they’re the stuff of nightmares.

Also on PITT is posted a way to show your opposition by attending an award winning [at least in Europe] documentary where children’s doctors and others speak out on gender “care.” In AMC theaters June 21: https://pitt.substack.com/p/affirmation-generation-the-definitive

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SM (odd how two initials stand for two deeply inter-related aspects of the World) is the Machine. Modern society depends on it - it makes money. Any attack on it is understood as an existential threat because Money is our god.

Hi Jean, been following your work for years, spoken to it on school boards and to teenagers, and beyond. It just seems one repeatedly gets a sort of dumb nodding in response. Having also worked with those whose lives were almost destroyed by narcotics, this response is eerily familiar

More strength to your pen!

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By using the notion The Machine it makes me wonder if you also listen to Paul Kingsnorth. He’s great!

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Lol :) Yes I have been following Paul for some years now, although the notion of the machine, like him I picked up from elsewhere. Juggernaut also does it . . . and perhaps more graphically

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I've followed the development of schools of psychotherapy, fads, etc with Scientists since the 1970s.

Mostly CBT.

Your recent appeals regarding what you are missing etc... are moving me to respond...

My recent decades availed me a glimpse into the 1 of 4 everyday complaints that are commonly therapized: Habits

Of particular concern since the opioid crises killing is continuing well past a million Americans dead ...

First Do No Harm...Stop the Lying 🤥 Don't Sweat It is a lie...

Exercise and Exposure Therapy are mandatory and both cause sweat

The US Senate's Dr Haidt's The 3 Great Untruths that Gen Z believes that are dooming Gen Z and democracy include Exposure Therapy demonization and State Dependent Learning.

Free Speech is banned for millions of 12 Steppers under their NO CROSSTALK and ANONYMOUS rules. It's easy to find "Fundamentalists" ...aka "Purists" who stifle the mention of any advancements since the 1945 founding documenta 😱🙊🙈🙉

Rebelling against Stepping is SMART Recovery.org founded by San Diegan Dr Tom Horvath 30 some years ago. He recently apologized for knowing no one following the basic journaling requirement of Dr Burns CBT.

You'll find EBP and CBT on the home page of Tom's SMART Recovery organization and his life's work... but NO ONE IS WRITING TEMPTATIONS AS SPECIFIED BY Dr Burns since his 1990 Feeling Good Handbook.

Millions of gagged Steppers...

only 3000 or so in Tom's SMART Recovery organization... but how many show up for TEAM CBT? About 10.

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The T in TEAM stands for Testing... but even the 3 or so leaders don't test?

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thanks for your important work, Jean 🙏🏼

i've been following you & Jon Haidt for years... on podcasts... on After Babel...

i'd like to put my recent post (re: digital heroin) on your radar. https://opentochange.substack.com/p/growing-up-before-digital-heroin

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We need to regulate social media. It's too much for kids to understand or use responsibly.

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Jun 18, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023

I was wondering what you make of this McKinsey report, in particular the graphs under 'Respondents assessments of the impact of social media ranges substantially depending on the dimension' which appear to show that, with the exception of Gen Z, the impact of social media on FOMO, body image, self esteem, social connectivity and emotional Support, community building and self expression is mainly positive. Not to discount the negative impacts, but I was just wondering if you have any thoughts on the data? Thanks!


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Super interesting article.

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